Link roundup!


Hope all our readers in Texas have held up OK during the deep freeze; we know it’s been very tough for a lot of people.

Given the weather-related VLSIIntel adjournment, there was perhaps less Waco Division-related excitement than we originally expected this week, but we still saw some interesting coverage.

But first, one more mini-update re: next week’s VLSIIntel trial proceedings: On February 16, the Court issued an Order Regarding Sealed Proceedings (ECF No. 427), which we reproduce here in full:

In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Court is permitting the trial proceedings in the above case to be accessed by the public and remote party representatives either virtually or telephonically. Additionally, the Court has granted the parties’ request to have a real-time feed of the Court Reporter’s transcript to be accessed remotely as well. This poses risks to sealed portions of the trial, so the Court hereby ORDERS that anyone not permitted to observe the sealed portions of the trial to disconnect from all of the above feeds as they occur. The Courtroom Deputy will monitor those in attendance and alert the Court of anyone not permitted.  

So if you’re tuning in via telephone next week, be sure to pay attention to when you’re supposed to vacate the premises. (And/or stay tuned for further related developments on remote-observation protocols, which we understand may be forthcoming…)

Here’s this week’s media coverage of the Waco Division:

And here are a few other links of potential interest:

So as we said following last week’s roundup, we’ll see you next week with coverage of VLSI-Intel! Hopefully this time it’s true…

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Disclaimer: We share these links because we think they’re worth reading. Our doing so does not necessarily imply that we endorse any of the viewpoints expressed by the authors (unless we’re the authors).

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