Ravgen v. Lab. Corp. Preview & Dial-in Info

This week’s trial in front of Judge Albright is Ravgen, Inc. v. Laboratory Corp. of America Holdings, Case No. 6:20-cv-00969-ADA. Openings recently concluded, and the first witness will be taking the stand momentarily. (Judge Gilliland conducted voir dire on Thursday.) Each party is working with a time limit of 10 hours (plus an hour for opening and summation).

Plaintiff Ravgen is represented by Desmarais and Texas counsel Deron Dacus. Defendant Lab Corp. is represented by counsel from Wilson Sonsini, Kilpatrick Townsend, and Reed Smith.

The Court’s notice of trial procedures again includes public dial-in credentials:

  • +1 669 254 5252  or +1 646 828 7666  or +1 551 285 1373  or +1 669 216 1590
    • Webinar ID: 160 373 5368
    • Passcode: 105969
  • Mobile-friendly:
    • +16692545252,,1603735368#,,,,*105969#
    • +16468287666,,1603735368#,,,,*105969#

We’ll update if/as warranted.

(We’ll also try to bring an update later this week about the WDTX trial currently wrapping up before Judge Yeakel in Voxer v. Facebook. But there’s no way to observe that trial other than by attending in person.)